31 January, 2011

Egypt Fights for Freedom

The Egyptian opposition, which claimed since the start of the riots to take down president Hosni Mubarak, has raised several degrees their harassment to the regime with the convening of a general strike starting today throughout the country. In addition, opposition leaders have announced a major protest, which has been called "the marchof a million people"to demonstrate their strength and that will take place tomorrow in the streets of Cairo. The opposition, which is mostly of Islamics background, has flouted curfew again and wait in tense calm for the protest tomorrow.

In response to the popular pressure, before appearing on television Mubarak has sent a letter to Shafiq urging him to apply the newly formed government social policies. These include the preservation of subsidies, controlling inflation and expanding employment opportunities. "I ask that you return the confidence in our economy, "he earnestly asked the president to his new prime minister: "I trust your ability to implement economic policies that are consistent with the high people's concerns. "

In the mid time citizens armed with sticks and knives tonight continued patrolling the streets of the country to defend their property, especially in the areas of middle and upper classes, following the call of the local police authorities.

for more information related please visit http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/jan/27/egypt-protests

1 comment:

  1. Your pictures are awesome! They really draw in the reader and keep their interest throughout your posts! I'm so glad this Egypt situation is slowly but surely ending, the President is stepping down and giving his country an opportunity to seek peace! :)
    God Bless,
